Even though this ivf cycle is a bust, I've been thinking that after 7 days of stims, I could possibly ovulate more than 1 egg this month. So I'm thinking of trying a home insem for the first time. Any info would be greatly appreciated. I know I could google for the info, but I know you women will understand when I say my brain is just so rattled right now. So if anyone can direct me to some good sites or has personal experience they can share, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, peeps!!
Just when I thought things were going smoothly…
8 years ago
No knowledge on home insem, but wishing you lots of luck!!!
Do you have the book "Knock Yourself Up?" I think there's a pretty good description in there. Pretty simple, really. I mean, I haven't actually tried it, but I think it is pretty simple. I also found this online: http://www.fertilityplus.org/faq/homeinsem.html
Good luck, and score for single mama in the previous post!
I had Bliss through home insem. Use opk's at least twice a day from when you first see a line. They usually show up better in afternoon than in morning. As for insems it depends how you want to go. I used a speculum and flashlight and mirror and would get the syringe to the openng of my cervix, a lil 1ml syringe, and then do a partial ici insem. I also tracked my cervix that way so I could see when the cervical os opened which was best for insemming.
Feel free to email me with any questions.
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