No real symptoms. Boobs a tiny bit tender, but nothing to write home about. Odd thing is, at this point in my cycle they're normally killing me from PMS. At this point I normally have to cross my arms over my chest to dash across the street to keep them from hurting more.
I did POAS yesterday. Nothing. I know, too soon. Didn't do it today. Will do it again tomorrow and probably every day until my beta on Friday. I'm losing my little bit of hope for this cycle.
I want a strong drink. I want sushi. I want a rare burger.
But all I really want is my baby.
Just when I thought things were going smoothly…
8 years ago
So sorry. Perhaps the 'little embie that could' is being shy. I'm holding out hope that you will see something positive next time you POAS.
Hope the beta brings good news on Friday... and maybe next time you POAS you might have good news as well.
Ah Dora,
the two week wait is agony. glad you'll wait a bit before testing again. it IS early.
Stay as distracted as you can and know that you are in our thoughts! hoping that the next time you test, you get a positive.
Oh boy - the 2ww. Symptoms and lack thereof - anything could mean anything right?
Good luck for your beta and the in between POASing.
Can't wait to hear!!
Maybe you will be one of the pregos that feels nothing. Maybe, were you to have been pregnant without realizing it, you would have been 12 weeks before catching on?
Just a thought. No period and no sore boobies??? Good stuff, right?
God, the 2WW sucks. It is still very early to test. After my first IVF, I POAS the day before the beta and it was negative, got the the blood drawn the next day it was positive (54), and the stick was just barely, barely positive that evening (could have been lousy pee sticks, I guess). And I had no physical symptoms until, like forever later. Don't let that throw you.
Fingers and toes crossed for you, sweets - hang in there!
Hang in there, Dora! I was with a friend this past weekend who had zero symptoms for the first 4 months while pregnant with twins conceived with IVF (and my eggs). Keep the faith! My beta is Friday too - here's hoping for BFPs for both of us!
Keeping my fingers crossed for you. I know how powerful the desire for a baby can be.
Oh Dora, I am hoping so hard that your embie is hanging on! Don't use those nasty sticks, at least not until closer to the beta. Do something fun to distract yourself from this torture known as the 2ww!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I'm hoping for a positive on Friday! Still plenty of time.
Crossing my fingers for you!
I wish I could tell you it meant something, but I've had massive PG symptoms and a negative beta and almost no symptoms and a positive one, and vice versa. I think the universe just likes to fuck with us during the two-week-wait, just for kicks.
My mantra for every symptom and nonsymptom throughout the wait--just repeat after me: "it doesn't mean anything."
I'm sorry this is so hard. I'm sorry it's so unfair.
Hang in there
I am hoping and praying you get GREAT news on Friday! Hang in there I know the 2ww wait SUCKS!!!
Good luck for beta on Friday. The 2ww is a horrible time... BTW, I saw in someone's blog that you know someone you needs extra meds. I have 2 boxes of 450 IU GonalF multidose vial and 1 box of 1050 IU Gonal F multidose vial. So if you know someone who needs these meds, please let me know.
Throwing a lot of baby dust your way..Good luck and fingers crossed!
Thanks for stopping by the blog. No, that isn't the message board I go to, I post on a different one. Hoping the beta is + for you this month.
It's almost friday, sort of. I know the wait is hard but stay strong! And good luck!
I think I heard somewhere here that different is good, so still hoping for you!
Not that this helps you one tiny bit, but I felt absolutely nothing until after I got a positive pregnancy test. so, chin up! My fingers continue to be crossed for you!
Online, you see gals with tons o' symptoms and BFPs. And then you see gals with zero symptoms and BFPs. So, from what I've garnered, symptoms don't mean squat at this phase in the game.
But I know how easy it is to lose hope.
My thoughts are with you, hoping for great news come Friday.
Hey Dora, just checking in. Want you to know I have been thinking of you a lot, these past few days. Hope you are doing ok.
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